Respect for the nature of our island is something we owe to the extraordinarily, thrillingly authentic land that is Sardinia
Safeguarding the well-being and vitality of our vineyards is important not only for the quality of the wines they yield, or for the beauty of the landscape; they are also an important reserve of biodiversity.

The Mistral wind cuts through the powerful geological conformation of the hills.
The vines ripen in the sandy/clayey, dry, pebbly soil, scattered with quartzite stones. The surrounding landscape is typical Mediterranean scrub: unspoilt terrain dotted with old oak trees, myrtle bushes and other species typical of the island.
We focus on the value of the nature around us. We believe in sustainable agriculture: in practice, and not just on paper. Our vineyards are currently in the process of conversion to organic farming.
Every rock the Mediterranean shrub takes root on embodies a mysterious candour
It is this mosaic formed by dwarf palms, asphodelus, gorse and rock rose that provides a measure of the biodiversity of the place where our vines ripen.
The spectacular surrounding landscape is alive with the fragrance of the aromatic plants native to the area. The vines are embraced by the light that flows in across the headland, and the grapes grow rich in flavour, benefiting from the particular features of the dry, sun-kissed soil